About configuration settings


Be aware that any changes you make to the configuration settings will affect FAST Student Reporting. After editing any configuration setting, test those changes to make sure the system is working as expected.

Administrators can edit configuration values to control system options, default behaviour and default values for your institution. The settings available for FAST Student Reporting will vary depending on which modules are installed and what custom business logic is implemented on site.

Contact your system administrator or your Millennium contact for more information.

The Configuration Settings are on the Administration menu.

Item Description Text Value Numeric Value Date Value
1 Day for Full Refresh      
2 Default Campus (Optional)      
3 Show Promotion Block (Y/N) N    
4 Student Grades Suppress Add (Y/N0 Y    
5 Student Grades Approval CRN - Allow Multiple CRN submit (Y/N) Y    
10 Indicate which security method should be implemented (COLLEGE, DEPT, FAST, NONE) NONE    
26 Roles for viewing Admin help      
50 Run Grad Refresh (Y/N) Y    
60 Show/Hide Early Alerts (Y/N)      
75 Allow filter values to be saved to user profile? (Y/N) Y    
100 Default Student Links list as open Y    
101 Default News list as open Y    
300 Days to limit Expected Grad Date  


350 Future Term day display  


400 Get enrollment numbers of prod for active terms (Y/N) Y    
410 Display Priority Indicator with Major Codes (Y/N) N    
411 Display Priority Indicator with Major Description (Y/N) Y    
420 Eligible to Register - Number of Stop Out Days Allowed   365  
425 Student Info - How many days beyond current term do you want?   365  
428 Student Info - How many days prior to current term do you want all eligible records?   0  
435 Default Enrollment Status when blank      
501 Default student level to be used when adding a grading record UG    
510 Does the student grades approval page/CRN have blocks (Y/N) Y    
515 Use Dept Security on Grade Entry Page (Y/N) Y    
516 Use Dept Security on Grade Approval Page (Y/N) N    
520 Is Grade Editable (Y/N) N    
530 Reg Office Approver STUDENT_APPROVALS    
540 Master Grade Entry Role STUDENT_APPROVALS    
545 Chairs Security Role STUDENT_CHAIRS    
546 Alternate Chairs Security Role STUDENT_CHAIR_ALTERNATE    
550 Allow non-registered students to be added via Excel Upload (Y/N) N    
560 Keep courses that have been manually added for grading until graded Y    
565 From address to be used for approval notification email      
600 Show Student Grades Excel Export Link (Y/N) Y    
610 Show Watermark on Student Image Report (Y/N) Y    
620 PDF Display Mode (0,1,2)  


630 Student Search Hidden Field Name SPRIDEN_PIDM    
640 Student Search Popup Width  


650 E-mail address width on pdf/xl export  


699 Send error notifications during Auto-load Role errors      
700 E-mail address to be used for refresh error notification      
701 From e-mail address to be used for refresh error notification customersupport@mcsl.com    
702 Subject line for email when a refresh error occurs FAST Student refresh error    
710 Max credit hours for first year (freshman) status, and description FR


720 Max credit hours for second year (sophmore) status, and description SO


730 Max credit hours for third year (junior) status, and description JR


740 Description for fourth year and beyond (senior) SR    
800 This security role will be allowed to see all Early Alerts created      
801-820 Early Alert Role - any member of this role can be assigned as a Group/Faculty Member      
900 Specify what degree to use for the parallel setting during the refresh PARALLEL    
950 Client defined role that allows a user to create dynamic selections      
1337 Debugging? (Y/N) Will log SQL statements when executing reports. N    
3000 Allow Pinned Reports to be added to the top menu (Y/N)? Y    
4999 Append date/time stamp to Excel/PDF file name when exporting a report Y    
5000 Cache dashboard data results temporarily (Y/N) Y    
5001 Length of time in minutes to cache dashboard data results  


5011 PDF/Excel export font size  


5013 Enable scheduler button at page level (Y/N) Y


5100 Turn off ability to Add or Manage Virtual Columns for Student N


5102 Warn users if data refresh has not run successfully for [N#] number of hours  


5103 Display the 'Reply to' field on the email control (Y/N)? Y


9999 Demo Mode (Y/N) N



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