
Occasionally you may see notifications at the top of the home page.  These alerts are added by administrators to push notifications and information to all users of the application.

Example of an alert.

To Add or Edit an alert you must have the Administrator role. All users with access to the application will see these alerts. You can add as many alerts as you choose and set them to expire automatically. Alerts for each application are added and edited from the application home page.


  1. On the application home page click the Add New Alert Add New icon located above the tabs.

  2. In the text box enter the desired message.

  3. Select an effective date for the message to start displaying.

  4. If desired, select a date for the message to expire.

  5. Click save Save icon, or cancel Cancel icon to exit without saving.

  6. To remove an existing alert, click delete delete icon.

What the Alert Setup Looks Like

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