Group functions can be used to take detailed data and summarize it by specific fields (columns). You can apply a group function to one field and use one or two other fields to group the data by. When you create a graph, you will use the group function called Count.
There are six types of group functions (some fields do not use average and sum):
Count ExampleExample
Gender grouped by Class Code
Count (and Display) ExampleExample
Gender Count (and Display) grouped by Class
Maximum ExampleExample
Youngest employee (DOB=Maximum) grouped by Class code and Gender
Minimum ExampleExample
Oldest employee (DOB=Minimum) grouped by Class Code and Gender
Average ExampleExample
Average Accrued hours grouped by Leave and Class code
Sum ExampleExample
Total (Sum) Enrolled grouped by Term and CRN
Concatenate ExampleExample
Generally, group functions aren't used with unique fields, for example, date or internal id, because they already have summarized data.