Using the e-mail control

The e-mail control is used on several pages in FAST Student Reporting. You can send e-mail to individual students, and most pages give you the option to send e-mail to all students or instructors on the reporting page. To receive messages, students must have a valid e-mail address in your ERP system. Those who do not, will display visibly with an indicator.

To use the e-mail control:
  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Find the student or instructor and in the E-mail column, click i_email.gif

  3. At the bottom of the page, locate the Communication Centre button which may be labelled as "Communication Centre" or may be labelled as "Email All". This option sends e-mail to all students or instructors in the result set, not just the ones showing on the page

  1. The From e-mail address defaults to your e-mail and is based on your User Profile;

  2. The Reply to offers an optional field where you can modify where responses are sent to (if other than your default);

  3. Cc is the optional field that allows you to include additional recipients who are not already on the list;

  4. Type a Subject;

  5. Click Browse to add one Attachments;

  6. Click the green + icon to add additional Attachments;

  7. Type a message in the Body of the e-mail;

  8. Use the Field button to pull in parameters from the report into the body of your e-mail in the form of variables;

  9. Click Send;

  10. There is a visible note that will indicate how many recipients are set to receive an e-mail based on the data set.

  11. After the message is sent, click Close Window.

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