About Registrar reports

In Student Grades, you can create Registrar reports using navigation tools and filter options. Navigation tools are common to all reporting pages; filter options are specific to each reporting page.

On the Student Grades | Registrar menu, click one of the following reports:

Reg - Special Grades

Lists students that have been assigned a special grade. You can create a report that includes the following information: Student ID, Name, CRN, term, grade, created date, comments, college, department, and instructor.

Reg - Courses Not Graded

Lists courses that have not been graded. You can create a report that includes the following information: CRN, term, description, end date, college, department, block, division, instructor, subject, and course.

Reg - Added Students

Lists students that have been added to submitted courses. You can create a report that includes the following information: Student ID, name, CRN, term, grade, subject, subject number, title, comments, college, department, and instructor.

Reg - Courses Not Approved

Lists courses that have been submitted but not approved. You can create a report that includes the following information: CRN, term, description, end date, college, department, block, division, instructor, subject, and course.

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