About Filter Options

On reporting and data entry pages, Filter Options is the default tab for the Report Options view.

There are several different filter option controls and you can use them to minimize and sort data in your report. The types of filter options used for a report depends on the application.  Most of the filters relate to columns or fields in the report. Note that not all of the filter options shown in the image below are going to be used in every application.  

This image shows the different types of filter options, the save icon, and the dynamic filter function.

Click on any of the boxes to get more detail on how to use each of these option.

Filter options can be configured via the Administration Tab for any baseline report.


Date Box & Date combo box


Drop-down list


Operator drop-down list

Multi-level list

 Multi-search box  


Multi-select list

Dynamic filters

Text Box

Search box


Clearing Filter Options

In the Filter Options section, you can remove any selected filters by clicking Clear filters Clear Filter Options. The button is located at the bottom of the filter options dialog box.

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