Changing an approver for a course

There are two steps when you change or reassign an approver for a course. First you select a term and course number (CRN) and if they are valid, you can continue with the second step where you select a new approver to replace an existing approver.

To change an approver for a course:

  1. On the Student Grades menu, click Change Approver.

Step 1 of the change approver form opens.

  1. From the Term list, select the term.

  2. In the Course box, type the course number.

  3. Click Get list of approvers.

Step 2 of the change approver form opens. If there are no approvers found, you will get this message:

No approvers could be found for the Term, CRN combination given.

  1. From the Existing Approvers list, select an approver.

  2. In the New Approver search box, find a new approver.

  3. Click Change approver for course.

You will get the following message: Approver has been changed successfully.

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