Function Based Filters

You can use dynamic filter functions, also referred to as function-based filters in a filter control instead of selecting or searching for items in the list; this can often help narrow your report results and also facilitate saving your reports as Pinned Reports without the need to update your report criteria.  

The dynamic filters are available in these filter controls: drop-down list, multi-select list, search box, and multi-search box. If the filter option has been set up with dynamic filter functions, this icon Click to open the list of functions for this filter displays next to it.

Your institution may not used dynamic filters, but you can contact your administrator for information.



For Administrators:

If you want to set up dynamic filter functions for filter controls, you must have knowledge of the tables. For more information and for assistance, please contact Millennium.

How to use a dynamic or function-based filter:

NOTE: This icon is also used to capture Dynamic Selections which are user-defined rather than algorithm based.

  1. Click the dynamic filter icon Click to open the list of functions for this filter related to the filter. The list of filters opens.

  1. Click the dynamic filter you want to use. The values for that filter will display:

  1. Click to i_check_mark.gif use the dynamic filter.

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