If you would like to make changes to student grades after you have already submitted grades, you can now use FAST Student's grade change request process to initiate changes and to push those changes back into your ERP System if desired.
There are two parts to the grade change process: Grade Change Requests, which are typically made by the faculty instructor, and Grade Change Approvals, which are typically made by the Registrar and Department Chair or Dean. The approvers are customizable as per each institution's grade change approval policies.
Prior to requesting and approving grade changes, a site or application administrator must designate the grade change reasons.
To submit grade change requests for approval:
First, navigate to the Student Grades menu and choose the Grade Change option. From there, choose Grade Change Requests to access the grade change request form.
On the report options page, select the desired term and CRN from the filter options in order to locate the course for which you would like to alter a grade. Note that only the CRNs that are associated with the term selected will appear as selectable filter options. Once your Term and CRN have been selected, click to execute the report.
On the reporting page, a list of all students enrolled in the designated CRN will appear and list their current course grade and other relevant information about the selected course.
In order to change a grade, first, locate the row containing the student for whom you would like to initiate a grade change request. Click on the cell in the "New Grade" column and enter or select the new desired grade.
In the Reasons column, select an option from the available drop-down list of reasons, which have been designated by a FAST user designated by your institution. If desired, type in an additional comment.
In the Approver column, choose the appropriate person who will need to approve the grade change request.
Click the Save icon.
As soon as the record has been created, it is saved for the user and the student record is locked. However, the grade change will not be pushed back into the ERP System until the approver has completed the approval process.
Once the grade change requestor has initiated the approval process, the next approver in the queue will receive an email and a system notification alerting them they need to approve a grade change.
To approve grade change requests:
First, navigate to the Student Grades menu and choose the Grade Change option. From there, choose Grade Change Approval to access the grade change request form.
On the approval page, a list of all grade change requests tied to the approver will be listed. Locate the row containing the student for whom you would like to approve or return a grade change request. Approving the grade will forward the grade change request on to the next approver, or if you are the final approver, the grade will push into the ERP System if that option was selected by the original requester.
Note that the Approval Message and Chat columns indicate that there is communication from the person who initiated the grade change request. If the you would like to also add a message for either the faculty or the next approver, then you can type into the data entry field in the Message column.
In the Options column, select either Return, to return to the faculty, or Approve, to forward the grade to the next reviewer or into the ERP System.
Click the Save icon to complete this stage
of the approval process.
If the option to push the grade change back into your ERP System has been enabled, then the approval row will disappear from the list. If this feature has not been enabled, then the following error message will appear. The grade change will remain in FAST only, but manual updating of the student record will still need to happen in the ERP System.