There are four primary sections in Student Grades: Grade Entry, Grade Approval, Grade Change, and Registrar Reporting.
In Grade Entry you can enter student grades and submit the grades for approval. You can access all courses you are teaching this term that are open for grading (depending on your organization's business rules). Other tools in Grade Entry include: importing class lists, viewing course statistics in a chart format, exporting the class lists, and viewing courses submitted for approval.
In Grade Approval you can approve grades, promote students to the next program level, select an alternate to approve grades, or change an approver. Other tools include: adding a course manually, and assigning an instructor to a gradable course.
In Grade Change you can create grade change reasons, initiate grade change requests, approve grade change requests, and push grades into your ERP System.
In Registrar Reporting you can create reports for special grades, courses that are not graded, students that have been added to a course, and courses that have not been approved.